Speed Math: Sum of Consecutive Squares

In this blog post, we will be learning the trick to sum up two consecutive squares. 

Let us assume the numbers to be A, B (i.e A+1).

Rule: A^2 + (A+1)^2 = 2A^2 + 2A +1


Now let us look at few examples:


Example 1: 25^2 + 26^2 = 2 × 25^2 + 2 × 25 + 1 
           = 2 × 625 + 51= 1301.
Example 2: 58^2 +59^2 = 2 × 58^2 + 2 × 58 + 1  
            = 2 × [33|64] + 117 
            = 6728 +117 = 6845.



Example 3: 94^2 + 95^2 = 2 × 94^2+ 2 × 94 + 1 
           = 2 × [88|36] + 189 
           = 17672 + 189 = 17861.


Example 4: 48^2 + 49^2 =  2 × 48^2 + 2 × 48 + 1 
           = 2 × [23|04] + 97 = 4705.


Example 5:  52^2 + 53^2 = 2 ×  52^2+ 2 × 52 + 1 
             = 2 × [27|04] + 105 = 5513.


Solve the following by yourself:

  1. 12^2 + 13^2 =
  2. 97^2 + 98^2 =

Happy Learning! I hope you read the other published post where the numbers are not consecutive numbers.


“The essence of Mathematics lies in its freedom” 

        — Georg Cantor

About Praveenkumar K

Founder, Editor: Prep Your Math| Fond of Mathematics | loves to work wherever there is Mathematics & its application |Founder of @prepyourmath | Aspiring to be civil servant | Believes in hard-work | Goal-oriented, Responsible Citizen | >> Acquiring the knowledge as much as I can << I’ll be writing a book on “ Preparation for Competitive exams” which involves Mathematics. Currently I’m working on it. Once it is done, I’ll publish book and you can get your copy :) I feel good to be part of Math revolution, the Mathematics should be taught to kids who like to explore the math in fun & interesting way. Global Math Project is started by famous Mathematician - James Tanton, the famous author of many math books. His exploding dots videos are must watch for math enthusiasts.My academic interests are predominantly Mathematics and Physics. History, Art are other interests. Read about Indian Society, Tribal India, Indian Anthropology. I want to learn and share with you guys!
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